Məzmuna keçin

Utils & Enums

integrify.kapital.schemas.utils.BaseSchema pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel


  • alias_generator: to_camel
  • populate_by_name: True
  • from_attributes: True

model_config = ConfigDict(alias_generator=to_camel, populate_by_name=True, from_attributes=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: str, Enum

BEING_PREPARED = 'Preparing' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order is being prepared, no transactions have been executed on it yet.

CANCELLED = 'Cancelled' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been cancelled by the consumer (before payment). (Order is cancelled by the merchant.)

REJECTED = 'Rejected' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been rejected by the PSP (before payment). (Order is rejected by the PSP.)

REFUSED = 'Refused' class-attribute instance-attribute

Consumer has refused to pay for the order (before payment or after unsuccessful payment attempt). (Order is refused by the consumer.)

EXPIRED = 'Expired' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has expired (before payment). (Timeout occurs when executing the order scenario.)

AUTHORIZED = 'Authorized' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been authorized.(Authorization transaction is executed.)

PARTIALLY_PAID = 'PartiallyPaid' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been partially paid. (Clearing transaction is executed for the part of the order amount.)

FULLY_PAID = 'FullyPaid' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been fully paid. (Clearing transaction is executed for the full order amount (or several clearing transactions).)

FUNDED = 'Funded' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been funded (debit transaction has been executed). The status can be assigned only to the order of the DualStep Transfer Order class.

DECLINED = 'Declined' class-attribute instance-attribute

  • AReq and RReq (3DS 2) could not be executed due to rejection by the issuer / error during authentication.
  • Operation was declined by PMO

VOIDED = 'Voided' class-attribute instance-attribute

Authorized payment amount under the order is zero.

REFUNDED = 'Refunded' class-attribute instance-attribute

Accounted payment amount and the accounted refund amount under the order are equal.

CLOSED = 'Closed' class-attribute instance-attribute

Order has been closed (after payment)


Bases: str, Enum

INVALID_AMOUNT = 'InvalidAmt' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid amount

INVALID_REQUEST = 'InvalidRequest' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid request

INVALID_TRANSACTION = 'InvalidTran' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid transaction

INVALID_TRANSACTION_LINKAGE = 'InvalidTranLink' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid transaction linkage

TRANSACTION_PROHIBITED = 'TranProhibited' class-attribute instance-attribute

Transaction prohibited

ACTION_APP_EXCEPTION = 'ActionAppException' class-attribute instance-attribute

CANT_CHOOSE_SETTLEMENT_ACCOUNT = 'CantChooseSettleAcct' class-attribute instance-attribute

Can't choose settlement account

PMO_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND = 'PmoIfaceNotFound' class-attribute instance-attribute

Pmo interface not found

PMO_DECLINE = 'PmoDecline' class-attribute instance-attribute

Transaction declined by PMO: {reason}

PMO_UNREACHABLE = 'PmoUnreachable' class-attribute instance-attribute

Can't reach PMO

INVALID_CERTIFICATE = 'InvalidCert' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid certificate

INVALID_LOGIN = 'InvalidLogin' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid login or password

INVALID_ORDER_STATE = 'InvalidOrderState' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid order state

INVALID_USER_SESSION = 'InvalidUserSession' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid user session

NEED_CHANGE_PASSWORD = 'NeedChangePwd' class-attribute instance-attribute

Need change password

OPERATION_PROHIBITED = 'OperationProhibited' class-attribute instance-attribute

Operation prohibited

PASSWORD_TRY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 'PwdTryLimitExceeded' class-attribute instance-attribute

Password try limit exceeded

USER_SESSION_EXPIRED = 'UserSessionExpired' class-attribute instance-attribute

User session expired

COF_PROVIDER_DECLINE = 'CofpDecline' class-attribute instance-attribute

Declined by CoF Provider: {Reason}

COF_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE = 'CofpUnreachable' class-attribute instance-attribute

Can't reach CoF Provider

INVALID_TOKEN = 'InvalidToken' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid token

INVALID_AUTH_STATUS = 'InvalidAutStatus' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid authentication status

CONSUMER_NOT_FOUND = 'ConsumerNotFound' class-attribute instance-attribute

Consumer not found

INVALID_CONSUMER = 'InvalidConsumer' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid consumer

INVALID_SECRET = 'InvalidSecret' class-attribute instance-attribute

Invalid secret code

SECRET_TRY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 'SecretTryLimit' class-attribute instance-attribute

Secret try limit has been exceeded

SERVICE_ERROR = 'ServiceError' class-attribute instance-attribute

Service error